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Period Queen Book (price includes shipping)

Life Hack your cycle and own your power all month long!

Period Queen is the practical and humorous guide that takes the worst thing about being a woman and turns it into the best thing, by 'period preacher', cult folk singer and former sex education teacher, Lucy Peach. 

As young girls, most of us were given the talk about how to manage our periods. It's the beginning of a tedious bloody grind, one of the last great taboos. But the truth is, the menstrual cycle has benefits - big, fantastic, daily, monthly, even lifelong, benefits.

Every month, you have four hormonal phases that keep coming around. Each phase bears its own gifts and ways of making us feel: a time to dream, a time to do, a time to give and a time to take. Once you know what these phases are, you can predict them, plan for them and use them over and over again. In fact, harnessing your period superpowers will make you unstoppable (until you choose to stop, that is).

​Period Queen takes the worst thing about being a woman and turns it into the best thing. Lucy Peach urges us to stop treating periods like nature's consolation prize for being a woman, banishing the notion that hormones reduce us to being random emotional rollercoasters.

Become an expert in recognising what you need at different times of the month and learn how every cycle gives you a chance to cultivate the most important relationship of your life: the one with your precious self. It's pretty bloody amazing.

Your book will be signed with love by me, Lucy Peach x

What People Are Saying about Period Queen:

Where was this 20 years ago!? If you have a young person in your life who is around the time periods start, or even a person who has been getting periods for some time, and especially if your moods are up and down, I highly recommend this book.

Alicia, Booktopia Review

5 big glorious stars for a book that has changed my life, my outlook & my feelings about myself. I could not have loved this book more! The way Lucy describes woman’s cycle, how we can care for ourselves & most importantly for me, how to not feel bad for not feeling the same thing all cycle long has been the biggest eye opener. The only thing I am sad about is that I have spent almost 30 years of bleeding not understanding myself. Buy this book for yourself & tell your daughter, your nieces, sister & other woman in your life that they need this book too. We all need Lucy’s loving, gentle, empowering ways to guide us!

Reannon Bowen, Goodreads review

Friendly, approachable book with plenty of great info. Bought for teenage daughters, I also learned things! I wish I'd had this book as a young woman. Very Aus in tone, which is very likeable. A positive way of looking at our amazing cycle.

Becky Alexander, Amazon Books Review

Life changing I read this book after listening to the podcast. It's completely changed the way I view not only my period, but being premenstrual and being a woman. Super useful tips, really funny and quirky, read it in a flash. Can't recommend it enough!

Lyn, Booktopia review

I loved this book! Lucy sounds almost like a loving relative, explaining beautifully, how to look after your whole self throughout the month of you cycle. I took so many things with me from this book...

Isabella Henderson, Goodreads Review

I. Loved. This. Book. Every menstruator needs to read this. And everyone that KNOWS someone that menstruates needs to read this. It is so much more than just talking about periods. And it is SO BLOODY BEAUTIFUL. Lucy Peach talks about the four phases of a menstrual cycle, and how we menstruators can best harness the superpowers that come with each phase.

Rosie, Goodreads Review

This book is amazing, it’s seriously a must read for anyone who has or will have a menstrual cycle. I saw Lucy’s ‘Greatest Period Ever’ show a couple of years ago, and found the concepts so enlightening and useful. I thought I knew a fair bit about female hormones, periods, and fertility, but the idea of harnessing our natural cycles to optimize our lives was something I’d never considered. This book does a great job of explaining the concepts and giving practical examples & tips to understand yourself (and all women) better. Lucy brings a positive view to something that has been treated as taboo - and worse, dirty, shameful or negative- for way too long. It should be spoken about so much more, and this is info everyone should know!! It’s a joyful, empowering read <3

*buddy*, Amazon Books Review